Learn to Fly

Learning to fly may seem intimidating. We are here to provide answers and a customized training program to help you achieve your dream. View our Introductory Lesson Packages below and learn more in the section below with common questions about Flight training.



Spend more time in the airplane and discover what flight training is really like. Develop a personalized training program and start your flight training journey by learning about flight principles, airport operation, the pre-flight walk around, and more. Learn what aviation offers, and what you can do with a license. Includes an hour of flight time, plus a half hour of ground briefing.



how long will it take?

Average training times run anywhere from four months, flying 3-4 times per week to a year, flying once a week or less. During that time there will be 40-60 hours of flight training. There are so many variables in flight training and everyone learns at different rates. Six months proves to be a reasonable amount to time to expect a zero flight time pilot to become a fully licensed private pilot. Schedules also invariable clash and weather cancels flights. These times are estimates and actual times may vary. 

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How much does it cost?

This is a very common question, and a difficult one to answer as the training investment varies tremendously based on the individual. Our average training investment for a Private Pilot's Certificate is $10,000-$12,000. That includes flight instruction, aircraft rental, renter's insurance, ground school materials and a myriad of other small items. Your efforts outside the airplane and preparation prior to each lesson may help reduce overall costs. We also offer flight training financing through Pilot Finance Inc.